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MIT Global France Seminar


The MIT Global France Seminar aims to bring together MIT faculty, instructors, and graduate students from across disciplines interested in the study of French and francophone cultures around the world. The seminar series is free and open to the public.

The MIT Global France Seminar was launched in 2013 (under the name "MIT Research Seminar in French and Francophone Studies"). Why “Global France”? The seminar seeks to expand notions of French Studies beyond the Hexagone and relationships of formal empire to include networks of social, cultural, and intellectual influence. Its events and participants seek to reconceptualize French and Francophone studies in a global context.  

Founding chair: Professor Bruno Perreau

Guest speakers. Fall 2024.

Professor Éléonore Lépinard (University of Lausanne). Pedagogies of Coloniality. Experiences of Gendered Islamophobia in France and Switzerland.

October 7. 5:15pm. Location 14E.304 (MIT campus)

Professor Renaud Morieux (University of Cambridge). Political Deportation in the Indian Ocean in the Age of Revolutions.

October 16. 5pm. Location 14E.304 (MIT campus)

Professor Morgane Cadieu (Yale University). The Infrastructures of Social Mobility in Contemporary French Literature.

November 13. 5:15pm. 14E.304 (MIT campus)


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Global Languages. 14N305.

77 Massachusetts Avenue.

Cambridge. MA 02139.


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